
ASRT Membership

International Member Category

Individuals are eligible for International membership if they reside outside the United States or any of its territories, are not registered by certification agencies recognized by the ASRT, and are employed in the technical, educational, managerial or corporate aspects of the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession. International members enjoy all the benefits of Active membership except voting, holding office or serving as a delegate.

1-Year Membership

17 CE Credits

2-Year Membership

34 CE Credits

10% Savings

3-Year Membership

51 CE Credits

15% Savings

Payment Options

Installment Payments

Pay dues in two installments.

Automatic Renewal

Never forget to pay dues again with this convenient option.

Why Join as an International Member?

  • ASRT Print Publications


    Keep informed with the latest research, industry updates and member news with ASRT publications.

  • ASRT Communities

    ASRT Communities

    Connect with more than 156,000 colleagues, ask questions, find answers and share resources in our online member forum.

  • ASRT Research

    Access wage and salary surveys, staffing surveys, enrollment snapshots and more.

Specialized Benefits You'll Only Get from Your Professional Association

  • ASRT JobBank

    ASRT Job Bank

    Search and apply for jobs in the ASRT JobBank®.

  • Practice Standards

    Professional guidance on practice standards and scope of practice.

  • Salary Estimator Tool

    Salary Estimator Tool

    Compare your salary with our exclusive salary estimator tool.

  • 575 Courses

    Access to more than 575 courses on medical imaging and radiation therapy topics.

  • Essential Eduction CE Powered by ASRT

    ASRT Store

    Get discounts on more than 400 products in the ASRT Store.

  • ASRT Events

    ASRT Conference

    Enjoy discounts on ASRT conference registration.

  • EZ Compliance

    EZ Compliance

    Prepare for the clinical environment with 30+ EZ Compliance modules.

  • Member Service

    Specialists available to answer your career and membership questions.